About » Educational Imperative

Educational Imperative

We believe that the end (goal) of public education in America is to form responsible citizens and virtuous people who are prepared to flourish. We seek the growth of classical schools in general, and Founders in particular, to promote these two essential ends on a national scale. We believe that when classical schools and related educational programs become widespread and the quality of students these schools produce are recognized, we will begin to see a significant transformation in our country in terms of civic outcomes and moral conduct.

Founders Classical Academy of Rogers provides the most time-tested methods of educating students. We are committed to providing our future leaders with a college preparatory education focused on the Classical Liberal Arts. Additionally, we will promote a rigorous academic program fostering intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, virtuous character building, and a lifelong passion for learning.


Students of all ages will be required to study a foreign language. In order to better understand the English language and to best prepare them for modern language study, informal Latin instruction will begin in third grade and continue through sxith grade with our English From the Roots Up program. Formal Latin instruction will begin in seventh grade with Latin I (a High School credit course) and then progress to Latin II-IV, where High School credits may be earned.